Youth Training Clinic February 2nd

15 High School Students made up the initial Community Outreach Program for the USAW Training Site.
Led by USAW International Coach and Community Site Director Michael Conroy and assisted by USAW National Coach Patrick Corbett and USAW Advanced Coach Kevin Burke the participants split their training time between lecture and pratical sessions for the Snatch, the Clean and the Jerk, concluding with a C&J session.

The participants moved through the Top/Down progressions and responded well to the instructional cues used by the coaches.

“The athletes were attentive and great to work with” Begins Conroy. “I really appreciate their cooperation, focus and engagement. Not only was it a very productive day but an enjoyable one as well. In weightlifting it is always important to remember that no matter what your level is, it needs to be fun.”

Click on the video for highlights from the Clinic
If you are interested in participating in one of our Training Clinics or would like to have one for your club or organization, contact us at

USA Weightlifting Community Training Site; Why be a Weightlifter?

Weightlifting Outreach

For 2019, USA Weightlifting is making a concerted effort to reach out to athletes of every discipline. Our goal is to expose individuals that are curious about weightlifting to sound coaching and proper training protocols.

“Why become a Weightlifter?”

The answers to this question are plentiful and here are the obvious ones;

⦁ It’s an individual sport. You can, easily, make it fit your lifestyle and you don’t need a small army of others to make it work.


⦁ It’s a FULL PARTICIPATION SPORT. All weightlifters are “First String Starters”. No one “rides the bench” in weightlifting. Each and every participant gets three attempts in the Snatch and three attempts in the Clean and Jerk.


⦁ There is a place for EVERYONE. “Do you have a gender?” Weightlifting has competitions for both males and females. “Do you have an age?” Weightlifting has age categories for Youth ( U-11, U-13, 14-15 and 15-17 ) Junior (18-20) U-25 ( 18-15) Open (21+) and Masters 35+ every 5 years) “Do you have a bodyweight?” There a 10 weight classes for each gender.


⦁ Competitions are set up as Local, Regional, National and International. While Regional and above competitions have qualifying standards most local competitions are open to all members of USAW.


⦁ Weightlifting is a year round sport. While there is both a National and International Calendar of events, local competitions are happening somewhere almost every weekend.


⦁ You’ll receive One on One Coaching. As an individual sport weightlifters work closely with a coach dedicated to assisiting them in attaining their goals. Most of the training takes place on a dedicated platform that only holds one athlete at a time so you get undivided attention when training.


⦁ Weightlifting Clubs are great communities and being a member of one allows for a great sense of belonging.



The IDAHO LOCAL WEIGHTLIFTING COMMITTEE is the governing body for our sport in Idaho and their web page is
Of Course you can also contact us here at the USA Weightlifting Community Development Site at Crown Barbell at this link.
Be sure to open the USAW Community Site on the Menu tab and if we are close enough to you drop in and check us out.